Five on Friday: My favorite Audio platforms

 Hey guys so while I love to read a physical book; I don’t always get the time. Do you have a full time job, babies (fur or non fur) to take care of,  a house which seems to never stay clean, and many other day to day routines? But you want to finish that new release? Well let me share my five favorite audiobook apps with you today!!!



Meet Libby: local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can barrow them for free, with a library card. 
Plus side- its free if you ave a library card. Downside- is that the popular titles do have a wait period.



Meet Hoopla: All in one digital library app, with over 800,00 titles. Allows you to barrow movies, music, audiobooks, and ebooks. 
Plus side- free with library card and no matter how many people are checking out one things there is no wait list. Downside- is some librarbies put a limit amount to how many you can barrow. Mine library only allows 10 barrows. 


Meet Scribd: an American ebook and audiobook subscription service that includes one million titles.
Plus side- it’s one fee for access to all books in both platforms. No hidden costs. Downside- is that sometimes you have to wait for certain titles to become available. Especially new titles.


Meet If you want to support your independent bookstore then look no further. This one is a membership of 14.99 a month which guarantees one credit for any audiobook. 
Plus side- you support local businesses. Downside- for multiple books means more cash out of your pocket.


Meet Audible: Each month you receive one credit which will get you an audiobook. This app is linked to your Amazon account so to getting more books is made easy. Plus side- user friendly and popular. Downside- can get expensive. 

I hope you give some of these a try if you like audiobooks or have been looking into giving them a try. Do you use any of these platforms? Do you have any more great friendly user audio book apps that I should 
give a try?


  1. I use Audible, and yes it can gt expensive but I really only listen to about one book a month so I am not purchasing multiples. If I end up doing so, I have always been able to find something in their free library to keep me entertained

  2. I just discovered Hoopla last year ! It has such a great selection even with the limits. I've used all of these except Libro.FM. Have you heard of ? They are like Audible but they had the 'purchase-in-app' feature first.

    1. Yes. That is another great audio app.


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