Ro’s thoughts on Unexpected Claims


A one night stand.
A runaway shifter.
An unexpected claim...

I never thought I'd see her again after our primal, passion filled night together. But finding Peyton's lifeless body on my land sends a shock to my system. 


My blood calls for her. 
My mind screams to protect her.
My body aches to posses her. 
Make her mine. 

But Peyton is a loner, and she will never truly belong to anyone.

Wish I knew there was a surprise!!

Gave this a three stars rating mostly for the surprise pregnancy. This would be my first surprise pregnancy book and I’m not a fan of the trope. I enjoyed the chemistry Peyton and Nate had but got a little tired of her pulling away from him because she wasn’t ready to tell him he was the baby daddy. I didn’t understand that. I really liked the world she began to build and wish she spent more time on that. The time she took to tell about Peyton and her baby drama could have been used to build a back story building this great other world.  Definitely would love more of that. Eventually Peyton let Nate in a i have a feeling book to will be much better. Especially since she left on a great cliff hanger.


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