Tuesday's Tunes....Blackpool's Jekyll release a heart wrenching new single " Tear Our Selves In Two "

 Blackpool's Jekyll has released a new single titled Tear Ourselves In Two. The new song is a bit different from what we have heard in the past from Jekyll, and to be honest, I think it is probably one of their best. I love the chill bump-inducing emotion that flows from lead man Joel Foster's vocals, and the haunting tone of the instrumentation that backs him up.

Here is what Foster had to say about the new single:

"'Tear Ourselves...' initially started out as quite an ambient and cinematic instrumental with no chorus and stayed that way for quite a while. It wasn’t until we got the chorus down that it finally made sense and became the lilting ballad that it is now. Lyrically and musically, it was first conceived as a sort of answer to one of our older songs, 'Mania', and was going to be a sort of somber/sober reflection on the chaos of 'Mania' (a calm after the storm) as if you’ve just woken up from a particularly vivid nightmare.

"Over time, this concept shifted slightly and the sentiment of the song became more about being grateful for having someone with you to help you find your way out of the nightmare and not letting life’s darker moments get between you both. The recording for this song was done during the brief lifting of pandemic restrictions last summer and we’ve been dying to release it ever since. This is our first release since the pandemic started, so it also felt very appropriate to be releasing a song about unity and resilience in the face of adversity."


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