Book Beginnings -Friday July 30th

Every Friday Book Beginnings hosted by Rose City Readers asks you to grab the ebook you are reading and share the first sentence or paragraph and then give your feelings on it or anything else that it inspires. Be sure to include the title and the author

 I was so excited when we took a break yesterday and went to the bookstore ( I still haven't unpacked from vacation, but two weeks without yard work needed tending to first ) While there I picked up a book that I have been wanting since before it was released, so I was excited! 

So let's get to my Book Beginnings...


On March 22, 1984, the Wind Blown, a commercial fishing boat, departed from Montauk Harbor on eastern Long Island around duck to begin its first trip of the early spring season. The four-man crew planned a weeklong trip to catch tilefish about 120 miles offshore.

It was a gray, frigid forty-degree afternoon.  A light easterly wind indicated the possibility of a brewing storm, but it was nothing that Captain Michael Stedman thought his sixty-five-foot steel-hulled boat couldn't handle.

I love the ocean. I grew up in it. My father was a sailor in the Navy for 30 years, my mother was also in the Navy. I realize that is not commercial fishing, but it is a draw to the water that I relate to. Just like my dad, the men on this boat, were out there doing their jobs. 

My first thought when I read those first few lines, were of the people the men were leaving. I also was instantly transported back to standing in the shipyard in San Diego or Honolulu and watching my dad, along with the rest of the sailors slowly back out of the dock and head off to some faraway place. Never once did I imagine that he or any of them would not come back, just as I am sure the families that watched these men leave never thought that. 

I was raised on reading Horatio Hornblower, Moby Dick, and many other seafaring stories and I am excited to get deep into this one.


  1. I read Hornblower growing up too, you've made me want to pick them back up.
    Cora |

    1. They are the best! I actually could do with a bit of re-read myself hah

  2. I love that you have such a deep connection to the topic of this book, it must really bring it alive for you! While no one in my family was Navy or in any way worked on the water I have always felt drawn to the ocean, especially when it is windy and you can just let yourself be blown along. I hope you enjoy this one and have a lovely weekend!
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  3. I'm not as familiar with seafaring tales, but I have heard about this event and even the book! Sounds really good.

    Happy weekend!

    Elza Reads

    1. I once read THE PERFECT STORM and was horrified by the conditions the sailors attempted to live through. My Friday quotes and review

  4. Oh wow, it would be a hard read for me, but I am sure it is fascinating! Happy reading!


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