Two Girls Read Mortal Instruments: Book One: City Of Bones

 To add to our regular monthly read along we also decided to re-read Cassandra Clare's Shadow Hunter's series, starting of course with The Mortal Instruments. 

Here is our schedule:

City Of in June...discussion in July
City of Ashes...Read in July...discuss in August
The City Of in August...discuss in September
City of Fallen in September...discuss in October
City of Lost in October...discuss in November
City of Heavenly in November...discuss in December

So let's get talking about City of Bones...


Before I get into all things City Of Bones...I have to be honest with you...I have always and will always love Jace Wayland. Why am I telling you this? Well, my thoughts as it says up there...are mostly about him ( haha ) NO..seriously. 12 or so years ago when the book was first released I marked him as my book boyfriend and to this day he reigns supreme in my heart...this re-read of the book, only reinforced my love for him.

I think Cassandra Clare has a brilliant imagination, and her world-building and character development are top-notch. She grabbed me from the beginning when they were all at Pandemonium Club, and Clary saw things a human was not supposed to see. From that moment on, I had a hard time putting the book down. Even this time, in a re-read I felt pulled to constantly keep reading, and I knew exactly what was going to happen. 

Her characters are compelling and interesting, and the world of the Shadowhunters and the bits of backstory that we got in Book One were really interesting to me. I love the way the author wove religious themes into the story, without making it feel preachy.

The only character I do have a problem with is Clary. I found that CC wrote her basically like every other heroine of a YA fantasy book is written. She is a teenager who thinks she is nothing but average, if that, and turns out to be o much more. I feel like this is a bit overdone in ALL books, not just this one. I don't hate her by any means. I loved the tension between her and Jace before CC ripped them apart claiming that Valentine was both their dad. Did that piss me off? YES... I thought it was cruel punishment haha. Also, I will say...Hodge's behavior made me sad, I really liked him, and..ok I am just getting this out there right now...I don't hate Valentine. I know. He is evil., but I am a lover of the bad boys, I think my love for Jace even shows that. While Jace does show some strong emotions in the book, toward Valentine and Clary, he is basically a badass, and I zoned right into him.

The book wrapped up nicely, as nicely as it could. I believe you could stop there and never read another book and be satisfied, but WHY WOULD YOU?

Now....the best part...a few of the many reasons I love Jace Wayand...

Jace: Can I help you with something?
Clary: Those girls ont he other side of the car are staring at you
Jace: Of course they are. I'm stunningly attractive

Doretha: Also you have an enemy...
Jace: Only one? That's good news

Jace:It means Shadowhunters: Looking better in black than the widows of our enemies since 1234

Jace: If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you should have just asked

Jace: The boy never cried again, and he never forgot what he'd learned: that to love is to destroy and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed

I could go on...but I think you might get the picture...I love his sass!

Ro’s Thoughts
I too read this book when it first came out. While I’m not in love with Jace for I have promised myself to another Book Boy, I didn’t mind Jace and enjoyed his sarcastic nature. But enough about Jace and on to the story. I’m going to do a what I can remember comparison. 
10 years ago: I remember loving the world. I enjoyed most the characters. Simon was a bit too whiney for me. I remember most that Clair and Jace had some Sexual tension and I was all for it. Then CC went and made them possibly sister and brother and all that sexual tension turn awkward. I lost a lot of respect for that. I don’t like incest/ or anything close to that trope. I DNF'd a book that had an adopted girl with three “brothers” and she started to hook up with one. 🤢 I couldn’t do it even though I knew they weren't related. Anyhow back to the story. When that happened I read the rest of the story as it came out but had a hard time getting over CC doing that to us. 

Today: I do like book one and the way she set it up for the rest of the story. Since it is book one it's mostly world-building and character introduction so while a plot is unfolding it's not top notch. Simon is still a whiney bi*** in my book. Let’s see what we remember of the rest. Till Book two. 


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