Every Friday Book Beginnings hosted by Rose City Readers asks you to grab the book you are reading and share the first sentence or paragraph and then give your feelings on it or anything else that it inspires. Be sure to include the title and the author

I started Before Pittsburgh by Kasie Whitener a few days ago, it has been a busy week so the reading is going slow, but I am really enjoying it. It is the second book this month I have read that 9/11 plays a small part in, I suppose because it is the 20 year anniversary next month. It seems mad to me that it happened 20 years ago. It also seems maddening that all the time our soldiers spent over there Afghanistan is right back where they were when we started.

" Power hour: one shot of beer every minute for an hour. Six beers in one hour. A toast for every shot. It's juvenile, but it gets you hammered. Tony and I sat on the dorm room floor at Radford University. Erica, a girl Tony knew who graduated the year before us, invited him down. I'd tagged along to wingman. "

This first paragraph is a bit deceiving to the book, it is a flashback the main character Brian is having. The book however does a lot of switching back and forth on times, and I thought I would have trouble keeping up. The writer does a great job so far connecting everything, helping you to navigate the time changes easily. I am hoping to get in a long day of reading today because Richie is doing something at work that is keeping him there until late!

Tony is dead and Brian’s world has unraveled. He starts counting the days in Barcelona: barfights and threesomes. The months in San Francisco: short stories and a new romance. The seasons in Tucson, Nashville, Manila, and Seattle: The Crew growing up and apart. Three years unfold between before-Tony-died and after. Brian thinks he has finally left Virginia and its ghosts behind.

Then September 11th brings time to a standstill and Brian faces new devastation.

With so much work to be done Before Pittsburgh, Brian’s world expands in unexpected ways but contracts in the same old patterns of loss, redemption, and mourning. Can he earn his place in the lives of the people he loves? Or will he remain disconnected, unforgiven, and alone?

Drop your link in the comments so I can come visit!


  1. I haven't heard of this book before, but I am very intrigued by the excerpts and plot summary.

    1. I hadn't either to be honest, it was sent to me as an ARC and I set on it a bit, it came out last Tuesday I believe

  2. Sounds interesting. This week I am spotlighting a book from deep in my TBR pile - More Than Fiends by Maureen Child. Happy reading!

  3. This makes me curious about Pittsburgh!

    1. LOL me too, I havent gotten to the Pittsburgh part yet!!

  4. I'm intrigued! This sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  5. Is it a heavy read? It kind of sounds like it, but also sounds interesting!

    1. so far it isn't to bad, but I am only 90 pages in, so it has a good chance of becoming heavy

  6. I'm trying to figure out what's on the cover?

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Looks like a line of airport chairs or something like that and it has script writing across it

  7. Interesting excerpts. Even the cover is intriguing.


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