Sunday Salon: Diningroom is finished!

 The Sunday Salon is hosted by Readerbuzz

 I was born into the military, both my parents were in, my entire life was spent on military bases around the world, I married into it, and I also raised a boy who grew up to be a military man, so first and foremost I would like to pay a small remembrance to the 13 servicemen and women who lost their lived this past week in Kabul and also the families left behind. It saddens me that these young men and women lost their lives at such a young age.


We finally finished our dining room. It actually went so much easier than most of the rooms we have done! I know I said I was unsure about the blue, it seemed too bright, but once everything was put back in I loved it.

When living in a 100-year-old house there is always the next project, so on to the Butlers pantry which is between the dining room and kitchen. We have ordered wallpaper for it and it will not arrive until September 9th so we have a bit of a breather before starting in on it, which is good because I am trying to get ready for a holiday open house that a friend is having, so in between walls drying I was able to get some candles made 

I will go in and smooth the tops and add the dressings of dried herbs and florals later this week, along with labeling. My kitchen does smell wonderful, a mix of fall and winter scents almost makes me forget it is 100 degrees outside!

I was able to get a few minutes of reading in ...

I was able to finish 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard on audio, I had loads of audio listening time with all the painting!

Before Pittsburg by Kasie Whitener

Murder at Mallowan Hall by Colleen Cambridge

Hopefully, this coming week is a bit less busy and I can get more reading in.

Drop your link in the comments so I can see what you got up to this past week. 

Have a great one bookie friends !!


  1. Your dining room looks very beautifully designed.
    best... mae at

  2. The blue is perfect for that room. I love how it came out.

    I bet the candlemaking gives a lovely scent to your whole house. The candles are beautiful, too.

    I'm glad you were able to get some books. Audios are ideal for painting, I think.

  3. We've gotten used to NOT hearing of deaths in Afghanistan, so this weeks news was very saddening and my heart goes out to the family and friends of those who died.

    I love your dining room - it's a beautiful colour and looks stunning.

  4. My heart goes out to those who lost their lives. Very sad.

    Your dining room looks great. I do think the color looks beautiful.

    Have a great week!

  5. Oh wow the dining room looks great!

    I am really curious about 56 Days as I read one of her previous books...

  6. My heart also goes out to the military men and women who lost thier lives recently. My husband and I are both retired military and it's always so sad.

    Your dining room is so beautiful!!

  7. My heart goes out to the families of those who lost their lives recently.

    Your dining room looks beautiful!

    I like the looks of Murder at Mallowan Hall. I'll have to check it out.

    Have a good week!

  8. Lovely dining room updates. I love the color. I am very partial to blues. Thank you also for your reminders of the thirteen service members who lost their lives for us. So sad. Here is my weekly update

  9. Your dining room looks beautiful. I'm keeping all of those young troops and their families in my prayers.

  10. I love the blue dining room and THANK YOU for not being one of THOSE people who rip out the butler's pantry! I like to cook and have a lot of different dishes and things so I would kill for a lovely old house with a butler's pantry.

    1. Oh my gosh, that is my most favorite part of the house! Like you I have so many different sets of dishes, I love a set table, and also love any cooking item LOL. I cook constantly and even bake our bread each week LOL

  11. Such a pretty dining room! And your books are so interesting!


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