Book Review: All For You by Jennifer Probst


Ariel Devlin is a high-powered advertising executive with ambition and too much stress. Desperate for balance, she enrolls in a yoga school to teach her certain lessons. Breathe. Stay calm. Be in the moment. And ignore her sexy yoga teacher who is becoming a major distraction…
Grant Madison runs a yoga school and lives by one code: don’t get involved with the students. But when Ariel walks into his studio, his resolve begins to crumble. He offers her a deal: a secret affair while in the studio, and the practice of tantric sex in the bedroom. But when lust turns into love, Ariel and Grant are forced to make a difficult choice. Can Ariel reject the career opportunity of a lifetime for the possibility of love? Can Grant ignore his past and take a chance on the future? Or will love be too high a price to pay for both of them?


Well...I have two words for All For You...Tantric Sex...Are you old enough to remember what Sting said about having sex with his wife Trudy? That is was hours long because they have Tantric Sex? Apparently, that is something people who are into yoga do? Slow and steady, it concentrates on the journey and feelings...

While Tantric sex may be slow...All For You was a quick and ...Ummm fun sex-filled story. From the very first page, you will begin to feel the heat burn between Ariel and her hot yoga teacher Grant.

Ariel is an up-and-coming ad executive, she is focused on her career path, so a relationship is not in the cards for her, but she is up for a no-strings-attached fling, and has her eyes set on her yoga teacher Grant.

Grant, who is the owner of a popular yoga studio full of beautiful women vowed to never mix business and pleasure, as in the past he has gotten burned by doing so.

But... the two end up teaching a weekend retreat in Nashville and while they are there, they cross that business and pleasure line. 

On returning to regular life, Grant is keeping the relationship a secret, but then Ariel gets a job offer that will require her to move away...

THIS BOOK IS HOT... it is well written, however, it is short so there isn't a lot of character development, but let's face it, I think if you read this you are not in it for major character development. 

I have read a few of Jennifer Probst books in the past, and she is a great writer, and I have never been disappointed in any of her storylines, and for what this was, I wasn't with this either.  There is substance in the story, along with plenty of steam.

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  1. Wow, I think I would enjoy a book with a bit more character development. But this sounds perfect for what it is.

  2. Love the book synopsis. High powered women make me excited in books and great giphy and thanks for stopping by on my blog the last

  3. Is that supposed to be Grant on the book cover? If so, then holy smokes. And yes I'm old enough to remember Sting talk tantric. Namaste !


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