Teaser Tuesday: Lore by Alexandra Bracken

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, the weekly Meme hosted by Ambrosia of The Purple Booker. We make it very easy to play along, it is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1: Grab your current read
2: Open to a random page
3: Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.

My dad was in the Navy, and he was out on a ship about 9 months out of the year until I was about in the 6th grade, but when he was home, he never failed to read a bedtime story to me. I did get the occasional Dr. Suess, or Fairy Tale, I remember loving the tale of Thumbelina from a book set that I had gotten for Christmas one year. I thought those books were magical with their moving picture on the front cover. But, most of the time he read me things that he liked. Odd bedtime stories for a small girl. My dad loves Shakespeare, and I had basically " read " the entire play of MacBeth ing the story of the twin wolves Romulus and Remus from Roman Mythology, but his favorite was the Greeks... in fact, he loved Greek mythology so much he talked to me about it and told me stories up until he quietly passed away four days after my birthday five years ago next month. 

So I have started this year off, with my own deep dive into Greek mythology with several of the books that I have seen around the booksphere...starting with Lore by Alexandra Bracken.

Every seven years, the Agon begins. As punishment for a past rebellion, nine Greek gods are forced to walk the earth as mortals, hunted by the descendants of ancient bloodlines, all eager to kill a god and seize their divine power and immortality.
Long ago, Lore Perseous fled that brutal world in the wake of her family's sadistic murder by a rival line, turning her back on the hunt's promises of eternal glory. For years she's pushed away any thought of revenge against the man--now a god--responsible for their deaths.

Yet as the next hunt dawns over New York City, two participants seek out her help: Castor, a childhood friend of Lore believed long dead, and a gravely wounded Athena, among the last of the original gods.

The goddess offers an alliance against their mutual enemy and, at last, a way for Lore to leave the Agon behind forever. But Lore's decision to bind her fate to Athena's and rejoin the hunt will come at a deadly cost--and still may not be enough to stop the rise of a new god with the power to bring humanity to its knees


" I know what you desire Godkiller, " the old god said in the ancient tongue " And you will never find it "
He'd only needed to know that it hadn't been destroyed. The new god's rage was its own kind of euphoria. He brought the razor-sharp edge of his blade to the old god's sot mortal flesh.
The new god smiled.
" Trickster. Messenger. Traveler. Thief, " the new god said. Then he slammed the blade through the ridged bones of the prisoner's spine " Nothing "
Blood burst from the wound. The new god drank deep the sight of the old god's fear--that pain, that disbelief--as his power faded. A shame the new god could not add it to his own.
" It's the way of things is it not?" the new god said. He leaned down, watching as the last flare of life left the old god's eyes " The way of your father, and his father before him. The old gods must die to allow the new to rise "


Dark water. So much of it- more than Lore had ever seen, rushing, rushing, rushing from the nearby river, tearing through the streets. The ambulances and cop cars along the park disappeared beneath the surging wave, rolled like toys, their lights were suddenly gone. The officers and emergency workers ran but they weren't fast enough to avoid being carried away.
And still, the water wasn't satisfied.
It rose higher with each passing second, swallowing signs, streetlights, and buildings- drowning the whole city.

Be sure to drop your link to your blog in the comments so I can go by and say hi!


  1. Lore sounds so good! It's been a while since I've read something based in Greek mythology, but I ought to return to that soon - I always seem to love those stories. And a fellow military brat! My dad was army and was also deployed often through my elementary school years.

    claire @ clairefy

  2. Aww thanks for sharing those wonderful memories! I love Greek mythology and look forward to reading this.

  3. Aw, glad you have those memories of growing up! And those teasers are pretty intense! I enjoyed reading Lore, and I hope you are, as well! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  4. I've also seen Lore all over the place. Hope you love it! Your Dad sounds wonderful and so well-read.


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