Tuesday's Tunes: Hippo Campus releases new single " Ride or Die "

 It's been a while since I have done Tuesday Tunes, heck it's been a while since I have posted anything..those holidays kept me busy! But I am ready to get back on the blogging train, and what better start than with some great new music that has come out!

Hippo Campus have been one of my go to bands since the release of their first single Suicide Saturday, its upbeat pop filled tune is so easy to love and enjoy.

Now they are back with a new single  Ride or Die. The new single is the third single off their upcoming new album LP3 set to drop on February 4th, just in time for my birthday!

Ride or Die loosely deals with ride or die relationships all across the board...romantic, partners, collaborators etc. It has a fun breezy feel that will instantly have you singing along and hitting the repeat button!

Watch and listen to Ride or Die :

The new video is directed by Joe Pease

LP3 Tracklist:

  1. 2 Young 2 Die

  2. Blew Its

  3. Ashtray

  4. Bang Bang

  5. Semi Pro

  6. Ride Or Die

  7. Scorpio

  8. Listerine

  9. Boys 

  10. Understand


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