Book Review: Something's Guava Give by Carrie Doyle

Nothing ruins an ocean view like a body on the beach!
Plum Lockhart went out on a limb when she ditched her corporate job in New York City and moved to the Caribbean island of Paraiso. Now the head of her own villa broker agency, Plum spends her days chasing down clients and lounging on white sand beaches.
But the sweet life turns sour when a publishing heiress is found dead at the mansion of an eccentric tycoon, Dieter Friedrich. Even worse, Plum's old colleague cashes in a favor and asks her to investigate. It looks like she'll need to fit a murder case into her already jam-packed schedule!
Friedrich is known for his shady dealings, but he's not the only bad apple on the island—Plum will have to contend with a scheming millionaire, a sleazy rockstar, and devious B-list celebrities. And joining Plum once again is Juan Kevin Munoz, the distractingly gorgeous Director of Security. Despite the sparks between them, they'll need to stay focused on the case—there's a murderer hot on their heels!


Something's Guava Give is a somewhat fun cozy mystery that is the second book in the Trouble In Paradise series.
I love a cozy mystery, or any book really that takes place in a warm tropical setting, or really any beach setting. Maybe that is because I am stuck in the middle of the US away from the sweet smell of the ocean that I grew up surrounded by. Cozy's that take place in this type of setting is perfect to pop in your bag and head for a day of fun and sun, or like now, great to warm up your soul a bit when the weather is cold and dreary.
I had a love-hate relationship with this story. There were many things I enjoyed about the story...location...characters, the author's writing, and descriptions, but as a whole, I am not really sure I like the entirety of it. I did like It Takes Two To Mango much better. I chalk this up to the sophomore album syndrome I saw so many times when I worked in the music industry. The first is so good, that the second has a hard time living up to it, not that it is bad, this wasn't, it just wasn't for me. I know hundreds of readers will love this.
The story was fairly action-packed, and that kept me listening. There were more than enough suspects to keep you guessing and they all had good motives, but there was a lot of downtimes, and in the end, it all just felt rushed, wrapping up too quickly.
The narration of the book was nice and pleasant and made the listening enjoyable. Not enjoying Something's Guava Give will not detract me from reading Doyle's next book, she has proven to me that she is a great and fun creator of stories, this just wasn't one that resonated with me.


  1. I feel with second books they either don't live up to the first one at all or are way better than the first one. There's never an inbetween for me.

  2. So glad you liked it, even if you didn't love it. That "kitty" on the cover sure is cute!


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