Tuesday Tunes featuring MYLAR

 London quartet Mylar today announce their debut EP Elsewhere. Along with the announcement they have also shared the first track from the four-track EP titled " Plastic Champ "

The EP explores the universal vulnerabilities of their internal selves and those around them, surrounded by a world spinning at a different rate.
“Most of the lyrics are about people feeling trapped by circumstance, or having a sense of time running away, or pivotal moments where you’re hyper-aware of the direction things will take,” the band explain.
“Plastic Champ” explores the limited language and images around masculinity.
This song came together really quickly from a cartoonish synth line from our drummer Rob”, explains Tom Short, the band’s lead vocalist and the writer of the song’s lyrics.
“I got the idea of a narrator who’s on the run from their own lies which is why the vocals feel a bit frantic. There’s an important discussion around the bad aspects of men’s behavior but I was thinking more about the very limited images of masculinity that we have. Words like champ sound dated but the image of stern manhood they represent is still with us and I liked the idea of a character who has tried too hard to fit this mold, they’ve faked it for too long and now they’re raving about these ideas like a fool in a morality play”

Mylar is Tom Clark (guitar, synth), Rob Janke (drums, backing vocals) Neraj Thangarajah (guitar, keys, vocals) and Tom Short (keys, bass, vocals).


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