Book Review: Mythos by Stephen Fry

Mythos is a modern collection of Greek myths, stylishly retold by legendary writer, actor, and comedian Stephen Fry. Fry transforms the adventures of Zeus and the Olympians into emotionally resonant and deeply funny stories, without losing any of their original wonder.

Celebrating the thrills, grandeur, and unabashed fun of the Greek myths, Mythos breathes life into ancient tales—from Pandora's box to Prometheus's fire.


Oh, how I loved Mythos. My dad was a huge lover of Greek Mythology and I was raised hearing all the stories of the different Gods as bedtime stories. When my dad died 6 years ago, his one request was to be buried at sea, first because he had spent 30 years in the Navy and second because he would be with Posiden. He got his wish and now resides with the mighty God that controls the oceans somewhere near the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific.

I picked this up because I am a huge fan of Stephan Fry, I love his classic British Humor, and he has taken that humor and breathed life into the old stories that most of us know. He has not made a mockery of the Gods and their legends, far from that, he tells the tales in great detail, but without making you feel like you are in a dry lit class, there is humor to his retellings that will make you smile, and really...REALLY enjoy mythology, maybe for the first time.

Fry starts from the beginning, from the chaos of the before, to the creation of the Gods, the Demi-Gods, and the humans that they toyed with. Along the way, he gives us little bits and bobs of words that are derived from the various God's names...everything from medicine, flowers, animals. I really think that this was one of my favorite parts of the book. 

You need to read this me restate need to listen to this on audio, which I did, thanks to a recommendation from my son. Fry's narrative is honestly one that should not be missed, it makes it even better than reading, however, I love my book because it is full of pictures and museum pieces of the various Gods, along with maps and charts.

Mythos help me expand my knowledge beyond what I knew and many of the stories really have stayed with me. Trust me PICK THIS BOOK UP. If you are already a lover of the myths, you will love the newness that Fry gives us, and if you have never dabbled in the Greek Gods but thought you might like to, this is the book for you. It is clear and easily understood.


  1. I have not read a book by Stephen Fry yet, but I've heard he's very good. I'll have to check this one out.

  2. I really enjoyed this book and Stephen Fry's other Greek myth related ones. They're so much fun!


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