After John disappeared while hunting - presumed dead from a bear attack - Cameron found the crime photos. His role in the recent Seattle serial murders was discovered. The media destroyed her reputation. She lost her dental practice, and is on the brink of losing her home.

Everyone has a secret. But if her husband could hide the unimaginable from her, who’s to say he’s truly dead?

“What brings you so far from home?” the Alaska State Trooper had asked. The truth.


Cameron’s husband is killed by a bear in a freak accident while on a big game hunt. Afterward, while going through his stuff she finds evidence that he was the notorious “ Teacher Killer “ serial murderer.

The Final Hunt Wass a quick listen on audio and I imagine it would also be a quick read. The author's writing was easy to understand, yet it held your interest throughout. The story was pretty predictable and I figured it out fairly quickly. There also weren't any real big shocking revelations, but you know what? That didn’t even seem to matter in this story, I was entertained from the get-go, and stayed engrossed in the story until the very end.

I really enjoyed how the author dealt with the aftermath of finding out her husband was a serial killer and that information being made public on news networks and papers. The collapse of her dental practice as she loses patients and her trusty staff, some of who have been with her since the beginning, leave after learning the news to the devastating realization that she was left with nothing due to John's mishandling of their money.

The setting in the Alaska wilderness was very well written. I personally love a thriller that takes place in a dark barren frozen landscape, giving it a wee bit more of an eerie touch. The author threw in several good suspenseful moments that took place there, from some tense moments flying a small commuter plane to a hike through the woods that were full of wolves.

Most characters were likable, even being as morally gray as Cameron was, I liked her and her sheer determination. Of course, you can’t help but like Dane, and the connection between the two gives you a bit of a breather, making the story have some needed lighter moments

The Final Hunt was a great read, or for me listen. I enjoyed the narration and the story both, but I can see that some thriller fans, that like that BIG moment in the end or a story that has various twists might not be as thrilled with this as I was. It is a straightforward mystery that showcases some great storytelling and writing.


  1. Terrific review. I love books set in Alaska and the premise of this book sounds exciting.

    1. it was great. I like wintery settings for my thrillers as well


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