Hattie Kavanaugh went to work helping clean up restored homes for Kavanaugh & Son Restorations at 18; married the boss’s son at 20; and was only 25 when her husband, Hank, was killed in a motorcycle accident. 

Broken-hearted, but determined to continue the business of their dreams, she takes the life insurance money, buys a small house in a gentrifying neighborhood, flips it, then puts the money into her next project. But that house is a disaster and a money-loser, which rocks her confidence for years to come. Then, Hattie gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: star in a beach house renovation reality show called The Homewreckers, cast against a male lead who may be a love interest or maybe the ultimate antagonist. It's a question of who will flip, who will flop, and will Hattie ever get her happily-ever-after. 


The Homewreckers by Mary Kay Andrews was a fun book that bounced between women's fiction, romance, and mystery, so it gives so many people a great book to read.

The main character Hattie restores houses in Savannah for a company that is owned by her father-in-law and her former husband who died in a motorcycle accident. She is strapped fr money so agrees to buy a beach cottage on Tybee Island and renovate it for a Home Networks' new show titled Homewreckers.

I loved the chosen location of Homewreckers, I have always enjoyed visiting the Savannah/Tybee Island area so it was easy for me to picture the area as I read, however, Mary Kay Andrews does a fantastic job of bringing the area to readers who have never been.

All the characters were relatable and well placed in the story. Hattie was such a strong thoughtful person who worried about others and the business. Her best friend Cass was a favorite of mine, her personality was big, and she was not afraid to tell people how things really were. All the characters were people that you could see in your life, even the less likable ones because there are always " those people " in everyone's life.

I really enjoyed the mystery that is woven throughout the story. Do not expect a major thriller mystery, it is light and cozy, and fits perfectly in with the feel of the book. It deals with a favorite teacher of Hatties who went missing years ago. There is also romance, some real and some staged, it isn't the major focus of the story but it is a nice touch that I enjoyed.

I won't lie, I loved this book, and I recommend it heavily. If you are searching for a fun and easy beach read for this summer, gran the Homewreckers and throw it in your bag !!

( I listened to The Homewreckers on audio ( thank you Netgalley and Macmillian Audio ). This was the first audiobook that was longer than 14 hours, but it felt so much shorter as the narration was great and I found myself listening to it constantly )


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