Tuesday Tune's: Four new songs to add to your playlist

 I have been behind with vacation...Covid...and getting ready for school, which starts here on Wednesday, so today I am putting together a little playlist of some great new music for you...


Irish producer, singer, and songwriter, EDEN released his new self-produced single “Sci-Fi” from his highly-anticipated upcoming album, “ICYMI” (Out September 9th) on August 12th. The notoriously innovative producer experiments with sounds and textures under the vulnerabilities of his songwriting. Coming to terms with the sobering reality of a disillusioned relationship, EDEN professes in the chorus, “I just want to hear your voice in the morning/Cause I been up waiting for something that’s hopeless/I don’t really want to break your heart when it’s open/Like finding out love’s not a feeling/it’s a choice.” 


Newcomer Hallie (they/she) shared their latest single “Do It” on August 11th. Soaring and exhilarating, “Do It” perfectly captures the yearning and anticipation for a romantic reciprocation. Hallie’s throaty, resonant vocals and fearlessly bold lyrics elevate the track from a classic pop anthem to a unique sound all of Hallie’s own. 


What Hugmay has to say about his newest, soothing single 'Glass':

The track is an observation of the natural environment particularly in Cornwall where I live.

The structure of the lyrics comes from reading William Blake's poetry. 

The Chorus is a separate subject just to the verse and is about telling someone that you believe in them, you still have to leave but you still care for them."


Bizarro-pop provocateur NANCY announces the arrival of debut LP ‘English Leather’, set for release October 28th via Blame Recordings, and shared second single  ‘Would You Be My Judy?’, on August 10th. The follow-up to 2021’s acclaimed mini-LP ‘7 Foot Tall Post-Suicidal Feel Good Blues’, NANCY’s unique blend of warped psychedelia has drawn plaudits from a legion of key indie press champions as well as gaining countless spins on the airwaves.



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