All that bestselling author Eleanor Dash wants is to get through her book tour in Italy and kill off her main character, Connor Smith, in the next in her Vacation Mysteries series―is that too much to ask?

Clearly, because when an attempt is made on the real Connor’s life―the handsome but infuriating con man she got mixed up with ten years ago and now can't get out of her life―Eleanor’s enlisted to help solve the case.

Contending with literary rivals, rabid fans, a stalker―and even her ex, Oliver, who turns up unexpectedly―theories are bandied about, and rivalries, rifts, and broken hearts are revealed. But who’s really trying to get away with murder?


Every Time I Go On Vacation is a fun mystery that is written from main character Eleanor Dash's point of view.

An author of nine successful mysteries, she is sent on a trip to Italy by her publisher along with her assistant who is also her sister, and 20 of her fans. Oh yeah, and one stalker.

The build up to this story is slow, and the actual murder seems to arrive even slower, but even with the slow start, there seems to be enough humor in the story to keep you entertained, at least there was for me, I enjoyed the humor in it more than the rest of the book. The story also had plenty of depth and details that helped it along also.

I enjoyed the setting of Italy, and the many small details of the Island that were dropped through out the story. I found that most of the characters were likable and well written . 

There was one thing I really did not enjoy in the books and that it had many footnotes in it, they distracted me as I read. I am sure this was my problem and that many readers will enjoy them.

Every Time I Go On Vacation is a funny, quick and easy read cozy mystery that many will enjoy, so if you are a cozy fan, be sure to put this on your TBR


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